Masturbation offers liberation and the possibility to express themselves sexually.
I am the poet of the body, and I am the poet of the soul.I am experiencing heavenly pleasures, and I experience a hell of anguish.The first one I take and raise ... the other I translate into a new language.
Self Esteem - Masturbation .. Memories of ... Moments of Joyful Innocence Sexuality is a game. Once you realize this, you start winning your sex life.
Remember the moments of joyful innocence that they have been inviting for the dance of life. Many of us have been told by our parents and educators that masturbation is unhealthy and has been forbidden.
As a result, our natural physical ability to experience ecstasy and joy through genitals decreased, sexual energy was suppressed and perceived as a wrongdoing.
Many people still achieve true sexual satisfaction with masturbation. Sometimes a masturbation is associated with a feeling of conscience, orgasm is often without joy, and is not done before a partner or a partner.
Masturbation offers liberation and the possibility to express themselves sexually. Discover how your body reacts how your breath affects your orgasm and how you can extend it and experience it more intensely. Erotic stimulation will give you the knowledge that you are the source of your orgasm.
You will learn to spread sexual excitement throughout the body through movement, imagination, touch and voice. You will be both a donor and a recipient.
I will tell you how to stimulate the genitals, how to breathe and relax properly .. I will watch intense excitement with you and I will be ready to overcome the need to ejaculate .. I will help you to transfer energy to your whole body and to relax your muscular tension .. I will lead you with a spoken word and loving touch.
Masturbation is a very gentle type of sexual meditation and its real goal is the transformation of genital orgasm into ecstasy of the whole body.